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Generate Follow-Up Questions

Models can sometimes correctly answer sub-problems but incorrectly answer the overall query. This is known as the compositionality gap1.

How can we encourage a model to use the answers to sub-problems to correctly generate the overall solution?

Self-Ask is a technique which use a single prompt to:

  • decide if follow-up questions are required
  • generate the follow-up questions
  • answer the follow-up questions
  • answer the main query


import instructor
from openai import OpenAI
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

client = instructor.from_openai(OpenAI())

class FollowUp(BaseModel):
    question: str = Field(description="The follow-up question")
    answer: str = Field(description="The answer to the follow-up question")

class Response(BaseModel):
    follow_ups_required: bool
    follow_ups: list[FollowUp]
    final_answer: str

def self_ask(query):
                "role": "system",
                "content": f"""Query: {query}
                        Are follow-up questions needed?
                        If so, generate follow-up questions, their answers, and then the final answer to the query.
                        """,  # !(1)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    query = "Who was president of the U.S. when superconductivity was discovered?"

    response = self_ask(query)

    #> True
    for follow_up in response.follow_ups:
        question='When was superconductivity discovered?' answer='Superconductivity was discovered in April 1911.'
        question='Who was president of the U.S. in April 1911?' answer='William Howard Taft was the President of the United States in April 1911.'
    William Howard Taft was president of the U.S. when superconductivity was discovered.
  1. Without instructor, this prompt would generally be implemented as a one-shot or few-shot prompt1 to encourage thinking through follow-up questions. With instructor, we use a zero-shot prompt!


1: Measuring and Narrowing the Compositionality Gap in Language Models