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title: Contribute to Instructor: Evals, Issues, and Pull Requests description: Join us in enhancing the Instructor library with evals, report issues, and submit pull requests on GitHub. Collaborate and contribute!

Contributing to Instructor

We welcome contributions to Instructor! This page covers the different ways you can help improve the library.

Ways to Contribute

Evaluation Tests (Evals)

Evals help us monitor the quality of both the OpenAI models and the Instructor library. To contribute:

  1. Explore Existing Evals: Check out our evals directory
  2. Create a New Eval: Add new pytest tests that evaluate specific capabilities or edge cases
  3. Follow the Pattern: Structure your eval similar to existing ones
  4. Submit a PR: We'll review and incorporate your eval

Evals are run weekly, and results are tracked to monitor performance over time.

Reporting Issues

If you encounter a bug or problem, please file an issue on GitHub with:

  1. A clear, descriptive title
  2. Detailed information including:
  3. The response_model you're using
  4. The messages you sent
  5. The model you're using
  6. Steps to reproduce the issue
  7. Expected vs. actual behavior
  8. Your environment details (Python version, OS, package versions)

Contributing Code

We welcome pull requests! Here's the process:

  1. For Small Changes: Feel free to submit a PR directly
  2. For Larger Changes: Start with an issue to discuss approach
  3. Looking for Ideas? Check issues labeled help wanted or good first issue

Setting Up Your Development Environment

UV is a fast Python package installer and resolver that makes development easier.

  1. Install UV (official method):

    # macOS/Linux
    curl -LsSf | sh
    # Windows PowerShell
    powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -c "irm | iex"

  2. Install Project in Development Mode:

    # Clone the repository
    git clone
    cd instructor
    # Install with development dependencies 
    uv pip install -e ".[dev,docs]"

  3. Adding New Dependencies:

    # Add a regular dependency
    uv pip install some-package
    # Install a specific version
    uv pip install "some-package>=1.0.0,<2.0.0"

  4. Common UV Commands:

    # Update UV itself
    uv self update
    # Create a requirements file
    uv pip freeze > requirements.txt

Using Poetry

Poetry provides comprehensive dependency management and packaging.

  1. Install Poetry:

    curl -sSL | python3 -

  2. Install Dependencies:

    # Clone the repository
    git clone
    cd instructor
    # Install with development dependencies
    poetry install --with dev,docs

  3. Working with Poetry:

    # Activate virtual environment
    poetry shell
    # Run a command in the virtual environment
    poetry run pytest
    # Add a dependency
    poetry add package-name
    # Add a development dependency
    poetry add --group dev package-name

Adding Support for New LLM Providers

Instructor uses optional dependencies to support different LLM providers. To add a new provider:

  1. Add Dependencies to pyproject.toml:

    # Add your provider
    my-provider = ["my-provider-sdk>=1.0.0,<2.0.0"]
    # Mirror in dependency groups
    my-provider = ["my-provider-sdk>=1.0.0,<2.0.0"]

  2. Create Provider Client:

  3. Create a new file at instructor/clients/
  4. Implement from_myprovider function that patches the provider's client

  5. Add Tests: Create tests in tests/llm/test_myprovider/

  6. Document Installation:

    # Installation command for your provider
    uv pip install "instructor[my-provider]"
    # or with poetry
    poetry install --with my-provider

  7. Write Documentation:

  8. Add a new markdown file in docs/integrations/ for your provider
  9. Update mkdocs.yml to include your new page
  10. Make sure to include a complete example

Development Workflow

  1. Fork the Repository: Create your own fork of the project
  2. Clone and Set Up:
    git clone
    cd instructor
    git remote add upstream
  3. Create a Branch:
    git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name
  4. Make Changes, Test, and Commit:
    # Run tests
    pytest tests/ -k 'not llm and not openai'  # Skip LLM tests for faster local dev
    # Commit changes
    git add .
    git commit -m "Your descriptive commit message"
  5. Keep Updated and Push:
    git fetch upstream
    git rebase upstream/main
    git push origin feature/your-feature-name
  6. Create a Pull Request: Submit your PR with a clear description of changes

Using Cursor to Build PRs

Cursor is an AI-powered code editor that can help you contribute to Instructor.

  1. Getting Started with Cursor:
  2. Download Cursor from
  3. Open the Instructor project in Cursor
  4. Cursor will automatically detect our rules in .cursor/rules/

  5. Using Cursor Rules:

  6. new-features-planning: Helps plan and structure new features
  7. simple-language: Guidelines for writing clear documentation
  8. documentation-sync: Ensures documentation stays in sync with code changes

  9. Creating PRs with Cursor:

  10. Use Cursor's Git integration to create a new branch
  11. Make your changes with AI assistance
  12. Create a PR with:
    # Use GitHub CLI to create the PR
    gh pr create -t "Your feature title" -b "Description of your changes" -r jxnl,ivanleomk
  13. Add This PR was written by [Cursor]( to your PR description

  14. Benefits of Using Cursor:

  15. AI helps generate code that follows our style guidelines
  16. Simplifies PR creation process
  17. Helps maintain documentation standards

Code Style Guidelines

We use the following tools to maintain code quality:

  • Ruff: For linting and formatting
  • PyRight: For type checking
  • Pre-commit: For automatic checks before committing
# Install pre-commit hooks
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install

Key style guidelines: - Use strict typing - Follow import order: standard lib → third-party → local - Use snake_case for functions/variables, PascalCase for classes - Write comprehensive docstrings for public API functions

Conventional Comments

When reviewing code or writing commit messages, we use conventional comments to make feedback clearer:

<label>: <subject>


Common labels: - praise: highlights something positive - suggestion: proposes a change or improvement - question: asks for clarification - issue: points out a problem that needs fixing - todo: notes something to be addressed later - fix: resolves an issue


suggestion: use a validator for this field
This would ensure the value is always properly formatted.

question: why not use async processing here?
I'm curious if this would improve performance.

fix: correct the parameter type
It should be an OpenAI client instance, not a string.

This format helps everyone understand the purpose and importance of each comment. Visit to learn more.

Conventional Commits

We use conventional commit messages to make our project history clear and generate automated changelogs. A conventional commit has this structure:

<type>[optional scope]: <description>

[optional body]

[optional footer]

Common Types

  • feat: New feature
  • fix: Bug fix
  • docs: Documentation changes
  • style: Formatting changes
  • refactor: Code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
  • test: Adding or fixing tests
  • chore: Maintenance tasks


feat(openai): add streaming response support

fix(anthropic): resolve tool calling response format

docs: update installation instructions

test(evals): add new recursive schema test cases

For breaking changes, add an exclamation mark before the colon:

feat(api)!: change return type of from_openai function

Using conventional commits helps automatically generate release notes and makes the project history easier to navigate.

For more details, see the Conventional Commits specification.

Documentation Contributions

Documentation improvements are highly valued:

  1. Docs Structure: All documentation is in Markdown in the docs/ directory
  2. Adding New Pages: When adding a new page, include it in mkdocs.yml in the right section
  3. Local Preview: Run mkdocs serve to preview changes locally
  4. Style Guidelines:
  5. Write at a grade 10 reading level (simple, clear language)
  6. Include working code examples
  7. Add links to related documentation
  8. Use consistent formatting
  9. Make sure each code example is complete with imports

Example of a good documentation code block:

# Complete example with imports
import instructor
from openai import OpenAI
from pydantic import BaseModel

# Define your model
class Person(BaseModel):
    name: str
    age: int

# Create the patched client
client = instructor.from_openai(OpenAI())

# Use the model
person =
        {"role": "user", "content": "Extract: John Doe is 25 years old"}

print(  # "John Doe"
print(person.age)   # 25


Documentation Resources

When working on documentation, these resources may be helpful:

  • mkdocs serve: Preview documentation locally. Install dependencies from requirements-doc.txt first.

  • hl_lines in Code Blocks: Highlight specific lines in a code block to draw attention:

    ```python hl_lines="2 3"
    def example():
        # This line is highlighted
        # This line is also highlighted
        return "normal line"

  • Admonitions: Create styled callout boxes for important information:

    !!! note "Optional Title"
        This is a note admonition.
    !!! warning
        This is a warning.

For more documentation features, check the MkDocs Material documentation.

Thank you for your contributions to Instructor!