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Building a Pairwise LLM Judge with Instructor and Pydantic

In this blog post, we'll explore how to create a pairwise LLM judge using Instructor and Pydantic. This judge will evaluate the relevance between a question and a piece of text, demonstrating a practical application of structured outputs in language model interactions.


Evaluating text relevance is a common task in natural language processing and information retrieval. By leveraging large language models (LLMs) and structured outputs, we can create a system that judges the similarity or relevance between a question and a given text.

Setting Up the Environment

First, let's set up our environment with the necessary imports:

import instructor
import openai
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

client = instructor.from_openai(openai.OpenAI())

Here, we're using the instructor library, which integrates seamlessly with OpenAI's API and Pydantic for structured outputs.

Defining the Judgment Model

We'll use Pydantic to define a Judgment model that structures the output of our LLM:

class Judgment(BaseModel):
    thought: str = Field(
        description="The step-by-step reasoning process used to analyze the question and text"
    justification: str = Field(
        description="Explanation for the similarity judgment, detailing key factors that led to the conclusion"
    similarity: bool = Field(
        description="Boolean judgment indicating whether the question and text are similar or relevant (True) or not (False)"

This model ensures that our LLM's output is structured and includes a thought process, justification, and a boolean similarity judgment.

Creating the Judge Function

Next, we'll create a function that uses our LLM to judge the relevance between a question and a text:

def judge_relevance(question: str, text: str) -> Judgment:
                "role": "system",
                "content": """
                    You are tasked with comparing a question and a piece of text to determine if they are relevant to each other or similar in some way. Your goal is to analyze the content, context, and potential connections between the two.

                    To determine if the question and text are relevant or similar, please follow these steps:

                    1. Carefully read and understand both the question and the text.
                    2. Identify the main topic, keywords, and concepts in the question.
                    3. Analyze the text for any mention of these topics, keywords, or concepts.
                    4. Consider any potential indirect connections or implications that might link the question and text.
                    5. Evaluate the overall context and purpose of both the question and the text.

                    As you go through this process, please use a chain of thought approach. Write out your reasoning for each step inside <thought> tags.

                    After your analysis, provide a boolean judgment on whether the question and text are similar or relevant to each other. Use "true" if they are similar or relevant, and "false" if they are not.

                    Before giving your final judgment, provide a justification for your decision. Explain the key factors that led to your conclusion.

                    Please ensure your analysis is thorough, impartial, and based on the content provided.
                "role": "user",
                "content": """
                    Here is the question:


                    Here is the text:
        context={"question": question, "text": text},

This function takes a question and a text as input, sends them to the LLM with a predefined prompt, and returns a structured Judgment object.

Testing the Judge

To test our pairwise LLM judge, we can create a set of test pairs and evaluate the judge's performance:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    test_pairs = [
            "question": "What are the main causes of climate change?",
            "text": "Global warming is primarily caused by human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes. These activities release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, trapping heat and leading to a rise in global temperatures.",
            "is_similar": True,
        # ... (other test pairs)

    score = 0
    for pair in test_pairs:
        result = judge_relevance(pair["question"], pair["text"])
        if result.similarity == pair["is_similar"]:
            score += 1

    print(f"Score: {score}/{len(test_pairs)}")
    # > Score 9/10

This test loop runs the judge on each pair and compares the result to a predetermined similarity value, calculating an overall score.


By combining Instructor, Pydantic, and OpenAI's language models, we've created a powerful tool for judging text relevance. This approach demonstrates the flexibility and power of structured outputs in LLM applications.

The pairwise LLM judge we've built can be used in various scenarios, such as:

  1. Improving search relevance in information retrieval systems
  2. Evaluating the quality of question-answering systems
  3. Assisting in content recommendation algorithms
  4. Automating parts of the content moderation process

As you explore this technique, consider how you might extend or adapt it for your specific use cases. The combination of structured outputs and large language models opens up a world of possibilities for creating intelligent, interpretable AI systems.

Introducing structured outputs with Cerebras Inference

What's Cerebras?

Cerebras offers the fastest inference on the market, 20x faster than on GPUs.

Sign up for a Cerebras Inference API key here at

Basic Usage

To get guaranteed structured outputs with Cerebras Inference, you

  1. Create a new Instructor client with the from_cerebras method
  2. Define a Pydantic model to pass into the response_model parameter
  3. Get back a validated response exactly as you would expect

You'll also need to install the Cerebras SDK to use the client. You can install it with the command below.

Ensuring Consistent Timestamp Formats with Language Models

Gemini can Understand timestamps in language model outputs, but they can be inconsistent. Video content timestamps vary between HH:MM:SS and MM:SS formats, causing parsing errors and calculations. This post presents a technique to handle timestamps for clips and films without formatting issues.

We combine Pydantic's data validation with custom parsing for consistent timestamp handling. You'll learn to process timestamps in any format, reducing errors in video content workflows. Kinda like how we ensured matching language in multilingal summarization by adding a simple field.

The post provides a solution using Pydantic to improve timestamp handling in language model projects. This method addresses format inconsistencies and enables timestamp processing.

Matching Language in Multilingual Summarization Tasks

When asking language models to summarize text, there's a risk that the generated summary ends up in English, even if the source text is in another language. This is likely due to the instructions being provided in English, biasing the model towards English output.

In this post, we explore techniques to ensure the language of the generated summary matches the language of the source text. We leverage Pydantic for data validation and the langdetect library for language identification.

Simple Synthetic Data Generation

What that people have been using instructor for is to generate synthetic data rather than extracting data itself. We can even use the J-Schemo extra fields to give specific examples to control how we generate data.

Consider the example below. We'll likely generate very simple names.

from typing import Iterable
from pydantic import BaseModel
import instructor
from openai import OpenAI

# Define the UserDetail model
class UserDetail(BaseModel):
    name: str
    age: int

# Patch the OpenAI client to enable the response_model functionality
client = instructor.from_openai(OpenAI())

def generate_fake_users(count: int) -> Iterable[UserDetail]:
            {"role": "user", "content": f"Generate a {count} synthetic users"},

for user in generate_fake_users(5):
    name='Alice' age=25
    name='Bob' age=30
    name='Charlie' age=35
    name='David' age=40
    name='Eve' age=45

Leveraging Simple Examples

We might want to set examples as part of the prompt by leveraging Pydantics configuration. We can set examples directly in the JSON scheme itself.

from typing import Iterable
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
import instructor
from openai import OpenAI

# Define the UserDetail model
class UserDetail(BaseModel):
    name: str = Field(examples=["Timothee Chalamet", "Zendaya"])
    age: int

# Patch the OpenAI client to enable the response_model functionality
client = instructor.from_openai(OpenAI())

def generate_fake_users(count: int) -> Iterable[UserDetail]:
            {"role": "user", "content": f"Generate a {count} synthetic users"},

for user in generate_fake_users(5):
    name='Timothee Chalamet' age=25
    name='Zendaya' age=24
    name='Keanu Reeves' age=56
    name='Scarlett Johansson' age=36
    name='Chris Hemsworth' age=37

By incorporating names of celebrities as examples, we have shifted towards generating synthetic data featuring well-known personalities, moving away from the simplistic, single-word names previously used.

Leveraging Complex Example

To effectively generate synthetic examples with more nuance, lets upgrade to the "gpt-4-turbo-preview" model, use model level examples rather than attribute level examples:

import instructor

from typing import Iterable
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, ConfigDict
from openai import OpenAI

# Define the UserDetail model
class UserDetail(BaseModel):
    """Old Wizards"""
    name: str
    age: int

    model_config = ConfigDict(
            "examples": [
                {"name": "Gandalf the Grey", "age": 1000},
                {"name": "Albus Dumbledore", "age": 150},

# Patch the OpenAI client to enable the response_model functionality
client = instructor.from_openai(OpenAI())

def generate_fake_users(count: int) -> Iterable[UserDetail]:
            {"role": "user", "content": f"Generate `{count}` synthetic examples"},

for user in generate_fake_users(5):
    name='Merlin' age=196
    name='Saruman the White' age=543
    name='Radagast the Brown' age=89
    name='Morgoth' age=901
    name='Filius Flitwick' age=105 

Leveraging Descriptions

By adjusting the descriptions within our Pydantic models, we can subtly influence the nature of the synthetic data generated. This method allows for a more nuanced control over the output, ensuring that the generated data aligns more closely with our expectations or requirements.

For instance, specifying "Fancy French sounding names" as a description for the name field in our UserDetail model directs the generation process to produce names that fit this particular criterion, resulting in a dataset that is both diverse and tailored to specific linguistic characteristics.

import instructor

from typing import Iterable
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from openai import OpenAI

# Define the UserDetail model
class UserDetail(BaseModel):
    name: str = Field(description="Fancy French sounding names")
    age: int

# Patch the OpenAI client to enable the response_model functionality
client = instructor.from_openai(OpenAI())

def generate_fake_users(count: int) -> Iterable[UserDetail]:
            {"role": "user", "content": f"Generate `{count}` synthetic users"},

for user in generate_fake_users(5):
    name='Jean' age=25
    name='Claire' age=30
    name='Pierre' age=22
    name='Marie' age=27
    name='Luc' age=35

Verifying LLM Citations with Pydantic

Ensuring the accuracy of information is crucial. This blog post explores how Pydantic's powerful and flexible validators can enhance data accuracy through citation verification.

We'll start with using a simple substring check to verify citations. Then we'll use instructor itself to power an LLM to verify citations and align answers with the given citations. Finally, we'll explore how we can use these techniques to generate a dataset of accurate responses.

Good LLM Validation is Just Good Validation

What if your validation logic could learn and adapt like a human, but operate at the speed of software? This is the future of validation and it's already here.

Validation is the backbone of reliable software. But traditional methods are static, rule-based, and can't adapt to new challenges. This post looks at how to bring dynamic, machine learning-driven validation into your software stack using Python libraries like Pydantic and Instructor. We validate these outputs using a validation function which conforms to the structure seen below.

def validation_function(value):
    if condition(value):
        raise ValueError("Value is not valid")
    return mutation(value)