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Flashcard generator with Instructor + Burr

Flashcards help break down complex topics and learn anything from biology to a new language or lines for a play. This blog will show how to use LLMs to generate flashcards and kickstart your learning!

Instructor lets us get structured outputs from LLMs reliably, and Burr helps create an LLM application that's easy to understand and debug. It comes with Burr UI, a free, open-source, and local-first tool for observability, annotations, and more!


This post expands on an earlier one: Analyzing Youtube Transcripts with Instructor.

Generate flashcards using LLMs with Instructor

pip install openai instructor pydantic youtube_transcript_api "burr[start]"

1. Define the LLM response model

With instructor, you define Pydantic models that will serve as template for the LLM to fill.

Here, we define the QuestionAnswer model which will store the question, the answer, and some metadata. Attributes without a default value will be generated by the LLM.

import uuid

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from pydantic.json_schema import SkipJsonSchema

class QuestionAnswer(BaseModel):
    question: str = Field(description="Question about the topic")
    options: list[str] = Field(
        description="Potential answers to the question.",
    answer_index: int = Field(
        description="Index of the correct answer options (starting from 0).",
    difficulty: int = Field(
        description="Difficulty of this question from 1 to 5, 5 being the most difficult.",
    youtube_url: SkipJsonSchema[str | None] = None
    id: uuid.UUID = Field(
        description="Unique identifier",

This examples shows several instructor features:

  • Field can have a default or default_factory value to prevent the LLM from hallucinating the value
    • id generates a unique id (uuid)
  • The type annotation SkipJsonSchema also prevents the LLM from generating the value.
    • youtube_url is set programmatically in the application. We don't want the LLM to hallucinate it.
  • Field can set constraints on what the LLM generates.
    • min_items=3, max_items=5 to limit the number of potential answers between 3 and 5
    • ge=0, lt=5 to limit the difficulty between 0 and 5 with 5 being the most difficult

2. Retrieve the YouTube transcript

We use youtube-transcript-api to get the full transcript of a video.

from youtube_transcript_api import YouTubeTranscriptApi

youtube_url = "" 
_, _, video_id = youtube_url.partition("?v=")
segments = YouTubeTranscriptApi.get_transcript(video_id)
transcript = " ".join([s['text'] for s in segments])

3. Generate question-answer pairs

Now, to produce question-answer pairs:

  1. Create an instructor client by wrapping the OpenAI client
  2. Use .create_iterable() on the instructor_client to generate multiple outputs from the input
  3. Specify response_model=QuestionAnswer to ensure outputs are QuestionAnswer objects
  4. Use the messages to pass the task instructos via the system message, and the input transcript via user message.
import instructor
import openai

instructor_client = instructor.from_openai(openai.OpenAI())

system_prompt = """Analyze the given YouTube transcript and generate question-answer pairs
to help study and understand the topic better. Please rate all questions from 1 to 5
based on their difficulty."""

response =
        {"role": "system", "content": system_prompt},
        {"role": "user", "content": transcript},

This will return an generator that you can iterate over to access individual QuestionAnswer objects.

count = 0
for qna in response:
    if count > 2:
    count += 1


What is the primary purpose of the new OpenTelemetry instrumentation released with Burr?
['To reduce code complexity', 'To provide full instrumentation without changing code', 'To couple the project with OpenAI', 'To enhance customer support']

What do you need to install to use the OpenTelemetry instrumentation with Burr applications?
['Only OpenAI package', 'Specific OpenTelemetry instrumentation module', 'All available packages', 'No installation needed']

What advantage does OpenTelemetry provide in the context of instrumentation?
['It is vendor agnostic', 'It requires complex integration', 'It relies on specific vendors', 'It makes applications slower']

Create a flashcard application with Burr

Burr uses actions and transitions to define complex applications while preserving the simplicity of a flowchart for understanding and debugging.

1. Define actions

Actions are what your application can do. The @action decorator specifies what values can be read from or written to State. The decorated function takes a State as first argument and return an updated State object.

Next, we define three actions:

  • Process the user input to get the YouTube URL
  • Get the YouTube transcript associated with the URL
  • Generate question-answer pairs for the transcript

Note that this is only a light refactor from the previous code snippets.

from burr.core import action, State

@action(reads=[], writes=["youtube_url"])
def process_user_input(state: State, user_input: str) -> State:
    """Process user input and update the YouTube URL."""
    youtube_url = user_input  # In practice, we would have more complex validation logic.
    return state.update(youtube_url=youtube_url)

@action(reads=["youtube_url"], writes=["transcript"])
def get_youtube_transcript(state: State) -> State:
    """Get the official YouTube transcript for a video given it's URL"""
    youtube_url = state["youtube_url"]

    _, _, video_id = youtube_url.partition("?v=")
    transcript = YouTubeTranscriptApi.get_transcript(video_id)
    full_transcript = " ".join([entry['text'] for entry in transcript])

    # store the transcript in state
    return state.update(transcript=full_transcript, youtube_url=youtube_url)

@action(reads=["transcript", "youtube_url"], writes=["question_answers"])
def generate_question_and_answers(state: State) -> State:
    """Generate `QuestionAnswer` from a YouTube transcript using an LLM."""
    # read the transcript from state
    transcript = state["transcript"]
    youtube_url = state["youtube_url"]

    # create the instructor client
    instructor_client = instructor.from_openai(openai.OpenAI())
    system_prompt = (
        "Analyze the given YouTube transcript and generate question-answer pairs"
        " to help study and understand the topic better. Please rate all questions from 1 to 5"
        " based on their difficulty."
    response =
            {"role": "system", "content": system_prompt},
            {"role": "user", "content": transcript},

    # iterate over QuestionAnswer, add the `youtube_url`, and append to state
    for qna in response:
        qna.youtube_url = youtube_url
        # `State` is immutable, so `.append()` returns a new object with the appended value
        state = state.append(question_answers=qna)

    return state

2. Build the Application

To create a Burr Application, we use the ApplicationBuilder object.

Minimally, it needs to:

  • Use .with_actions() to define all possible actions. Simply pass the functions decorated with @action.
  • Use .with_transitions() to define possible transitions between actions. This is done via tuples (from_action, to_action).
  • Use .with_entrypoint() to specify which action to run first.
from burr.core import ApplicationBuilder

app = (
        ("process_user_input", "get_youtube_transcript"),
        ("get_youtube_transcript", "generate_question_and_answers"),
        ("generate_question_and_answers", "process_user_input"),

Burr application graph

You can always visualize the application graph to understand the logic's flow.

3. Launch the application

Using will make the application execute actions until a halt condition. In this case, we halt before process_user_input to get the YouTube URL from the user.

The method .run() returns a tuple (action_name, result, state). In this case, we only use the state to inspect the generated question-answer pairs.

action_name, result, state =
    inputs={"user_input": ""},

You can create a simple local experience by using .run() in a while loop

while True:
    user_input = input("Enter a YouTube URL (q to quit): ")
    if user_input.lower() == "q":

    action_name, result, state =
        inputs={"user_input": user_input},
    print(f"{len(state['question_answers'])} question-answer pairs generated")

Next steps

Now that you know how to use Instructor for reliable LLM outputs and Burr to structure your application, many avenues open up depending on your goals!

1. Build complex agents

Instructor improves the LLM's reasoning by providing structure. Nesting models and adding constraints allow to get facts with citations or extract a knowledge graph in a few lines of code. Also, retries enable the LLM to self-correct.

Burr sets the boundaries between users, LLMs, and the rest of your system. You can add Condition on transitions to create complex workflows that remain easy to reason about.

2. Add Burr to your product

Your Burr Application is a lightweight Python object. You can run it within a notebook, via script, a web app (Streamlit, Gradio, etc.), or as a web service (e.g., FastAPI).

The ApplicationBuilder provides many features to productionize your app:

  • Persistence: save and restore State (e.g., store conversation history)
  • Observability: log and monitor application telemetry (e.g., LLM calls, number of tokens used, errors and retries)
  • Streaming and async: create snappy user interfaces by streaming LLM responses and running actions asynchronously.

For example, you can log telemetry into Burr UI in a few lines of code. First, instrument the OpenAI library. Then, add .with_tracker() the ApplicationBuilder with a project name and enabling use_otel_tracing=True.

from burr.core import ApplicationBuilder
from opentelemetry.instrumentation.openai import OpenAIApiInstrumentor

# instrument before importing instructor or creating the OpenAI client

app = (
        ("process_user_input", "get_youtube_transcript"),
        ("get_youtube_transcript", "generate_question_and_answers"),
        ("generate_question_and_answers", "process_user_input"),
    .with_tracker(project="youtube-qna", use_otel_tracing=True)


Telemetry for our OpenAI API calls with Instructor. We see the prompt, the response model, and the response content.

3. Annotate application logs

Burr UI has a built-in annotation tool that allows you to label, rate, or comment on logged data (e.g., user input, LLM response, content retrieved for RAG). This can be useful to create test cases and evaluation datasets.

annotation tool


We've shown how Instructor helps getting reliable outputs from LLMs and Burr provides the right tools to build an application. Now it's your turn to start building!